Augmented Reality (AR) 

Welcome to the cutting-edge world of Augmented Reality (AR)! In this dynamic course, participants will delve into the forefront of technology, exploring the limitless possibilities offered by Augmented Reality (AR).


Welcome to the cutting-edge world of Augmented Reality (AR)! In this dynamic course, participants will delve into the forefront of technology, exploring the limitless possibilities offered by Augmented Reality (AR). AR has revolutionized industries across the globe, offering immersive experiences that blend digital content with the real world. This course provides a comprehensive and advanced introduction to AR, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to leverage this transformative technology effectively.




Course Outlines

Day 1

 Introduction to Augmented Reality (AR)

Day 2

 Advanced AR Development Techniques

Day 3

 Designing Immersive AR Experiences

Day 4

 Integrating AR Across Industries

Day 5

 Future Trends and Ethical Considerations in AR


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